Redeem the Words!

Ok, people. It’s time for some real talk. Words can be triggering. I know this. But at some point we need to REDEEM THE WORDS rather than exert all of our energy avoiding what may be misunderstood or offensive. Here’s what I mean: ‘Church’. Yes the word is misused. And yes, its misused form has been abusive. But rather than dream up endless alternative terms, let’s REDEEM THE WORD to its original meaning. The Church is not a building, nor is it a container for a religion. It is those members of the collective family of God, across all time and space, who assemble together for mutual edification and encouragement. It is essentially a family meeting. ‘Evangelical’. Yes the word has mutated into representing a decidedly western, punitive theological system that is works-based and legalistic. But we can REDEEM THE WORD! Its original meaning is simply to share and reveal the Good News. And what...