The Asbury Revival and a Word of Caution

What began at Asbury and has now spread to campuses across the country is nothing short of remarkable.  Unlike the revivals of yesteryear, these have, at least thus far, centered not on a distorted mindset of sin consciousness or the poorly understood need for ‘repentance’, but on the lavishly supplied love of God, the hearts of children turning to their ever-approachable Father.  The embers of His unconditional love have been fanned afresh, resulting in the Refiner’s fire blazing white-hot in the hearts of millions.  No matter your views on corporate revival generally, or how the Finished Work of Jesus Christ makes revival accessible to the individual every moment of every day, seeing the flame grow within a generation of young people is cause for celebration! 

But as someone who has studied and taught church history for over two decades, let me give a word of caution: 

Genuine revival spreads ORGANICALLY.  Like a spiritual virus, it spreads from person to person, infecting with a greater awareness of God, His care for His creation, and their having been enveloped into His family.  It cannot be duplicated through the synthetic means of human effort, ambition, or organization.  Once that occurs, what transpires is no longer revival…it’s a reproduction.  Sure, they may look the same temporarily.  But the fruit from each will produce after it’s own kind.  And the fruit of reproduction will be painfully obvious.  Don’t believe me?  Try paying your taxes with counterfeit money.  Let me know how it goes. LOL

[PS: If you enjoy these musings, please like, share, and be sure to scan the QR code to subscribe to the No Exceptions Ministries, Inc. page.  With so much destructive info out there, let’s share the real Good News!] 


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