The Ekklesia is Changing!

The Western, Evangelical church has…

👉institutionalized the sacred

👉substituted programs for relationship

👉formalized the intimate

👉exchanged the verb ‘organize’ for the noun ‘organization’

And as a result, much of what we call ‘church’ is merely western corporatism, albeit with a religious flavor.  

Please do not misunderstand me, brethren.  There is no greater advocate of the church than me!  But what has at times passed for ‘church’ warrants reexamination.  It’s time to restore the ekklesia to its rightful function as an intimate, vulnerable, organic, free-flowing, unadulterated, joyful, grace-centered, Christ-centered, love-centered, expression of His presence in a collective people.  The emphasis must be on what makes the ekklesia the ekklesia: THE GATHERING.  Not programs.  Not buildings.  Not budgets.  Not heaven-or-hell evangelism.  Not wardrobe.  Not a performance.  

The church should more closely resemble an assemblage of family than a meeting or ritual.  Each member of the family should bring their expression of our Lord, offering that expression freely to all and receiving in kind.  The five-fold ministry leadership is present and active, but functions as facilitators of relationship rather than dispensers of doctrine.  Teaching and preaching are good.  Corporate worship is good.  But where is it written that the definition of church is a Sunday morning or midweek service comprised of 45 minutes of singing, an hour-long message, the taking of an offering, and maybe a special presentation thrown in for good measure?  Evangelicalism has merely substituted one form of liturgy for another.  

Saints, the ekklesia is changing! 


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