There is No Christ Apart from Jesus

Faith is a journey far more so than a destination.  It’s the gradual, deliberate unveiling of Truth and Love by Him who finds His very being in those two words.  Because faith is living and organic, old paradigms must be challenged as new, fresh revelation is revealed.  Whether you call this ‘deconstruction’ or prefer a less loaded term such as ‘reassessing’, the process can be both painful and freeing, disconcerting and yet also stabilizing.  (If you know, you know.)  

As I’ve watched others traverse this process, and experienced it myself over the expanse of several years, I’ve observed a pattern emerge.  For some, the sudden liberty that detaches them from legalism and mixture also untethers them from the very foundation of faith Himself.  Like a swinging pendulum, these seekers sway from one extreme to the other, exchanging the bondage of legalism for the yoke of self-centered licentiousness.  They walls may have a different color of paint, but it’s a prison nonetheless.  

When questioning anything there must be something to which we remain connected, something that upon which our eyes can be fixed amidst the vertigo of uncertainty.  

That something is actually a Someone, and His name is Jesus Christ.  Despite the views of some, I contend that there is no Christ apart from Jesus.  He is uniquely the visible, tangible revelation of the Father to mankind.  Through His finished work, humanity was enveloped into both His personage and divinity, seating us in Him, He in us, and collectively with and in the Father, all produced by the active administration of the Holy Spirit.  There is no separation between us and Him…but there is most definitely distinction.  Yes we partake of the divine nature…but the divine nature we partake of isn’t our own…it’s HIS.  


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