God’s Goodness is Not Contingent on You

You cannot manipulate God into doing good to you; not through prayer, giving money, volunteering, or any other altruistic means.  That’s what the pagans did in their sacrificing of their “best” in service to their gods.  It’s what misguidedly motivated Abraham to take Isaac to the mountain top for sacrifice.  As a Tishbite, Abraham had an expectation that sacrifice was necessary for the creator to be pleased with him.  But when he is about to end Isaac’s life, GOD STAYS HIS HANDS!  Why?  Because that’s not how God is not is it what He requires.  

So no, we cannot manipulate God through giving, acts of seevice, contrition, or any other means to force Him to bless us.  More to the point, you cannot manipulate Him period!  Why?  BECAUSE THERE IS NO NEED TO!  He ALREADY desires good to/for you.  Nothing is withheld by Him.  So stop begging, pleading, giving, serving, etc. in the hopes of getting God to ‘move on your behalf’.  He’s constantly in motion already, actively dispensing blessing upon blessing.  Our attitude therefore shifts from one of manipulation to THANKSGIVING!

Before you dedicate another child, write another check, or pray another prayer, listen to this message from Malcolm Smith.  As you listen, allow the Holy Spirit to free you from a works-based, manipulation-centered relationship with God.  Jesus came to serve, not to be served.  And He is just like His Daddy.  

[Because comments can at times be misconstrued, both intentionally and unintentionally, let me be clear: I fully endorse serving others, giving of our time and financial resources to lighten another’s load and bring people into an awareness of just how good God is.  My point is that God does not require these things to do good to us.]

 Malcolm Smith Video 


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