The Kingdom is About COMPLETION, not Competition

Competition in the business world is not only acceptable, but it has the potential to bring about the best for everyone: lowering cost, increasing quality, expanding options.  But this is most definitely NOT the case in spiritual matters among likeminded brethren.  

The turmoil caused by local fellowships and large ministries engaging in competition with one another has been a chronic source of embarrassment to the ekklesia at large, as well as a pitiful witness to the world around us.  Rather than seeing humanity as a seemingly endless expanse of people yet to experience the unconditional love of God, competitive Christianity perceives the expanse as limited, prompting them to scratch and claw for their piece of the finite pie.  ENOUGH.  We are not called to compete but to COMPLETE.

The expression of the divine within each person is capable of helping another to achieve their goals.  If we stop focusing on building our own empires and instead endeavor to prioritize our brethren, what a paradise we could make of this world.  THAT would be the fulfillment of heaven colliding with earth in a real, meaningful, tangible way.  

Let it begin with you and me.  


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