It Was for FREEDOM!

It was for FREEDOM.  Not so we’d worship Him.  Not so we’d obey Him.  Not even so we’d love Him.  Nope.  For freedom.  We were in bondage and He hated it.  That alone was the purpose of Him freeing us: just so we would be free.  Love wants nothing in return.  It’s not a contractual exchange.  Love releases out of abundant benevolence to one entirely incapable of offering anything in return even remotely comparable in value.  

That’s what real Love looks like.  

There is no substitute for freedom and there is no trade-off worth compromising it.  If you think there is, I would kindly submit you’ve never actually experienced it. 

Love Himself loved us (shined forth His very nature on us).  And from that love, Love freed us.  Don’t make it complicated.  



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