We Give Because He Gave
We Give Because He Gave
The abuses of 'giving' as it is often taught in churches is so rampant and trauma-inducing that it necessitates no explanation. If you know, you know. From applying contractual elements of a covenant to which most were not ever bound to begin with, to using manipulation and guilt as a means of soliciting support, one of the greatest acts of worship has been corrupted to such a devastating degree that many have disconnected from it altogether. And that is absolutely tragic!
In giving, we are invited into a place of co-creation with the Father, Son, and Spirit. Not merely spectators, giving allows us to assign our endorsement to that to which we support. Each time we give, whether that is materially or immaterially matters little, we are pouring all that we are into the mission and purpose of another.
But most of all, we give because He first gave! The Firstborn of which we are called and equipped as the 'many brethren' set the tone by committing His very existence to service to others. He is our pattern, the prototype of what scripture calls the ascended life. As He is, so are we in this world. He gave, so we give. And in so doing, we demonstrate our participation in the divine nature. When we emulate Christ, we experience a greater subjective reality of our objective identity.
All of that is the theological premise of giving. Yet there is a fairly clear-cut element that we would be wise to recognize...
Giving to that which had fed us ensures there is bread available for those who come after us. Giving is investment in legacy!
Legacy has nothing to do with making preparation for your death but rather making straight the path of another who travels the road in our wake. The high call of Love is ultimately divine hospitality, made possible by hearts surrendered to the beauty of the corporate mission.
Because others gave, a path was made for me. Because I give, a path is made for others.
Giving is not a dirty word. It's worship. 

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