Stirring the Pot on Tithing

Mankind has an obnoxious habit of see-sawing from one extreme to another, detouring entirely from the balance and equilibrium of healthy perception.  While there are many examples of this, perhaps none is so obvious as it relates to giving.  

There is no single doctrine I hate quite so much as tithing.  Given the cornucopia of foolishness that infiltrated the western church, I can feel your incredulity as you read that last sentence; but it’s true!  What makes tithing so malicious is that it interjects the utterly false premise that there are parts of the Law we are to retain amidst Grace and other parts we are to omit.  That opens wide the door of misinterpretation wherein we weigh and judge each and every old covenant rule against the measuring stick of Jesus.  Interestingly, He never asks us to do that!  His fulfillment of the Law did away with the entirely ineffective, impersonal, separation-causing system birthed from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  

In its place we have but two governing principles, each rooted in and through Love, the fruit of the Tree of Life:

- Love God
- Love others as ourselves

Through some mindbogglingly disingenuous theological gymnastics, arguments are made the bolster this falsehood, all originating from a place of fear.  Fear that the budget won’t be met.  Fear that the next expansion project can’t start on time.  Fear that the absence of programs will result in losing market share to other fellowships.  Fear that people will stop giving altogether.  FEAR.  

“But wait”, you say.  “Abraham tithed and that was before the Law!”  And right you are!  But if you look carefully you’ll find HE ONLY DID IT ONCE!  It was NOT a habitual practice until the Mosaic Law but rather was a one-and-one offering that just happened to be based upon a percentage.  

One would assume that if as much in our lives hinged on the tithe (as nearly every evangelical fellowship asserts) that Jesus would have at least mentioned it. 😒

The tithe is the Law and the Law has been fulfilled, ended, completed; FINISHED.  

What remains now is the FREEDOM TO GIVE absent any rules, frameworks, obligations, or restraints.  We are presented with the opportunity to participate in all that Father, Son, and Spirit are doing in the lives of His children through contributing of our time, resources, and capabilities, joining our part with that of the other parts of the family of faith.  

Reciprocal giving is a divine act.  It is participation in the divine nature, for what is the Trinity but an endless circle of reciprocated love expressed!

The financial abuses and outright manipulations of the institutional church system are many and their traumas deep.  But to dismiss the entire concept of giving based on its abuses is as ridiculous as banning cars because some people drive drunk, or forbidding procreation because some folks are lousy parents.  

While we are under no compulsion to give, shouldn’t we want to support that which feeds us?  From local fellowships to podcasts, if it feeds me, I want to support it in every way at my disposal.  For some that may mean money.  For others it could be time.  But for all it should mean SOMETHING.   

To consume without participation means one of two things: 

- You’re a guest, and thus not ‘of the family’.  
- You’re a thief. 

Jesus was our pattern of all this life could be.  We give because He gave.  Of He had.  Of Himself.  Of His very life.  

And bring on the stones in 3…2…1…


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