
Showing posts from November, 2023

The God of the Illuminated Journey

The God of the Illuminated Journey The faith we experience is not our own or somehow under our manipulative control, to expand or shrink based on our effort or will, but originates from the Source: Father, Son, and Spirit.  As that faith grows, changes, and matures, it remains HIS faith at work in-and-through us.  We cannot multiply it or enlarge its borders.  We cannot order its comings and goings as if it were our subject, obliged to obey our command.  We simply discover it a little bit more each day.   We have, through the fear and intimidation of fundamentalist evangelicalism, substituted the journey with a destination.  By centering the argument on the false dichotomies (or, stated more accurately, false dichotomies as evangelicalism understands and articulates them) of heaven vs hell, saved vs unsaved, right vs wrong, the sunrise has been forfeited for a light switch.  Rather than experience Father, Son, and Spirit through a gradual unveiling of ...

Silence Can Be a Virtue

Much of social media is devoted to a ‘my experience’ style of conversation. In some ways functioning as a public diary, its pages have become a convenient receptacle for otherwise internal thoughts, musings, admissions, and admonitions. Which produces a bit of a two-edged sword.  While it — I believe, correctly — bolsters the idea that everyone has something valuable to add in the marketplace ideas, it misleads us into thinking this should be universally applied to all subjects. Or stated more plainly: yes, everyone ‘has something to say’…but not necessarily something to say about each and every subject that comes up.  But because we’ve overemphasized the value of our opinions to such a degree that we feel entitled - or even pressured - to opine on just about everything, it results in us running our mouths (or keyboards, as the case may be) on things we don’t know anything about. Or at least, we don’t know anything about beyond our own experiences.  I’ve read several post...