The Universality of Theology

Theology - much like change, the mind, the heart, politics, or social media - is neutral.  It can be a tool of oppression OR a source of awakening.  To discard the practice entirely, merely because the misinformed habitually misuse it, would be like doing away with the institution of marriage because some husbands beat their wives or cars because accidents happen.  

The truth is, we are incapable of NOT engaging in theology.  For theology is not limited to ‘the study of God’, but extends to all that God does and all in whom He is found.  If Acts 17:28 is correct when Paul tells the pagan Athenians, “for in Him we live and move and have our being,” and John was on point when he said that “all things came into being through Him” (1:3), then each and every thing we do (and are) is in reality an act of theology!

When you gaze upon a sunrise and it warms your heart.  That’s theology.  

When you hold a newborn for the very first time and experience the full gamut of emotion from fear to immense joy.  That’s theology. 

When you get a flat tire in the pouring rain, frustrated beyond belief.  Yep, that’s theology too.

Because we cannot evade His presence - no matter how hard we may try sometimes - every breath is theology.


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