Faith in Isolation (‘The Ekklesia is Changing’ Series)

I’ve been pondering the nature, purpose, and function of the ekklesia, the intimate manner in which a group of faith is to form, gather, and ‘live the Way’ together in community. What follows is one such musing, ‘Faith in Isolation’. ——————————- “No man is an island.” - John Donne, English Poet and Anglican Minister ——————————- Jesus is the Vine but we, collectively, are His branches. (John 15:5) Jesus is the Shepherd but we, collectively, are His sheep. (John 10:11-18) Jesus is the Head but we, collectively, are His body comprised of distinct part dependent on the whole. (Colossians 1:18) Contemporary Western Christianity, heavily influenced by cultural and political forces, has a habit of emphasizing the individual at the expense of the whole. Pulpits accentuate the need for individuals to ‘get saved’ when the Biblical narrative speaks as much, arguably more, about plural conversion (metanoia: a change of mind, thinking, or perception) households, communities, ...