Emphasizing Identity Over Behavior - The Ekklesia is Changing 05-28-2023

There’s no way around it: what you do matters immensely to how people perceive (and receive) you. As St. Paul said, "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men" (2 Cor 3:2). Those not yet awakened to their fully reconciled standing with Love Himself will read our lives, which are living epistles, long before they pay any heed to the scriptures we quote or even the God we adore. Indeed, our lives often scream what the still small voice of Father only whispers. For these reasons, how we treat people, and ourselves, is if significant importance. So all that to say this: as you read what follows, may no one lay upon me a false charge of having no concern for behavior. That is categorically untrue. But in our desire to see behaviors change we have turned the life-giving message of accomplished, reconciled grace perfectly depicted in the person of Jesus Christ as somehow secondary to human conduct; as a mere means to a...